This artwork was named “Assumption of Mary” in Chinese traditional painting style.
The painter portrays this scene from the biblical story in order to express her devotion to Mother Mary. Everything is arranged in such a way that every part corresponds to some catechetical teachings. The color also plays an important, symbolical meaning.
We can clearly see that Mary is gently going up by the clouds. She was portrayed standing on the crescent moon in the sky. On her head is a crown made up of twelve stars and surrounded by the head of Cherubs(Rev. 12:1). All this show Mary’s great glory.
In the rendition of color, the silk ribbon in green symbolizes Mary’s triumph of life over death. She is into heaven with glory.
The dress in blue symbolizes heaven and was mainly decorated in gold and silver, also in order to show the glory of Mary.
The glow is depicted with a golden yellow, because golden yellow is the emblem of sun which corresponds with the bible which has mentioned that Mary was clothed with the sun (Rev. 12:1).
This artwork is in mixed media. The materials use acrylic paint, ribbon, stars, pastel glitter glue and thread.
It would be far better if you indicate the specific pericopes which will throw some lights on your artwork, such as Rev.12. Do not you think so?
Yes. Thank you very much for your good suggestion. I will improve it.
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